God's time

The time of Advent in the liturgical year
is the perfect time to open our ears and our hearts to the voice that calls in
the deserts of the world. God is present where we live our lives, in a world where
there is still injustice, war and violence. The time of God is already here, where
we are! Our actions and our words must bear witness to that.
John the Baptist cried out in the wilderness
to announce the coming of the One who would baptize in the Spirit. The time
promised by God had arrived. The promise was fulfilled. God's time came
alongside that of men for all time. We are the heirs of this time inaugurated
by Jesus. We cannot measure the time of God in days, years, or ages. It's
something beyond us. But what we can be sure of is that we are part of that
time and are contributing to it as disciples of Jesus Christ.
God's time is the promise of a world of love,
justice and peace. It is in our hands that this promise has been deposited. Our
hands and our hearts. We must be that voice that announces the Gospel, those
feet that go out to others, to be Good News to the world.
That's God's time today. Let us be
transformed by it and taste it in our everyday activities. God's time is not just
something we are waiting for. It is a time in which we participate through our
daily actions, our encounters along the way and our time of presence with God.
Let us enter fully into God's time,
Suzie Arsenault
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